Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Post bunny ponderings

Well, I don't have much to talk about today. The long Easter weekend was really nice and filled with delicious chocolate and much-appreciated relaxation. I also went to a friend's birthday on Saturday which was pretty cool as I saw people there who I hadn't seen in ages. Nice bunch! And I'm pleased to report that I was very civilised with the wine and woke up the next morning without even the slightest hint of a hangover. Yeah, I know. Impressive. So it's back to work today and I must admit it was really hard to get out of bed this morning. What hasn't helped is that I've been struggling to sleep lately and so last night I took a couple of sleeping tablets. They certainly didn't help me fall - or stay - asleep, but they've made me feel seriously groggy this morning. I'm waiting for the caffeine to kick in and then I'm sure my day will improve considerably. But for now, I have a cotton-wool-filled noggin.


Cape Town has been enjoying some seriously beautiful weather over the last few days and so I took full advantage of the warm autumn sun and spent lots of time in my garden over the weekend, with a book and copious cups of tea. (See, it's not all about the wine!) I polished off 'The Inheritance of Loss' and I have to tell you, it's a pretty damn good read.

The novel has been sitting on my book case gathering dust for quite a while now. I bought it a book fair back in 2007, after hearing Marian Keyes rave about it. When I headed over to the Penguin stand to buy it, the author (Kiran Desai) was there doing a book signing so yeah, I've got a lovely little message from her in the front of the book. It's just a pity it took me so long to read it! I've got such a huge backlog of books at home that I still want to read, never mind the books I'm reading for my course. (I'm slowly working on an honours degree in English literature and this year I'm doing a paper on 19th century literature. I wish I could tell you that I love Victorian novels, but I'd be lying. So there.) Anyway, that's my excuse for not reading 'The Inheritance of Loss' sooner. It's a great read - if you come across it, be sure to grab it!

So what with all the reading in the ol' garden, there was also some local squirrel action. 'Cute little guy though nowhere near as friendly as his pals in the Gardens.

Here he certainly looks like a rat. You'll just have to take my word for it that he has a bushy tail and really is a squirrel.

All that squirrel/tree rustling piqued the cat's interest. Though considering the size of his gnarly squirrel gnashers, I reckon it would be a fair fight and so I'm not too worried about finding regurgitated squirrel bits on my lounge floor rug anytime soon.

Playing the waiting game...

(Ooh,' Al no corrida' is playing on the radio. Haven't heard that in ages - kinda corny but still a good song. Yeah, old school is cool!)

Okay now that I've resorted to waffling about random squirrels and my sleeping patterns now seems a good time to, erm, stop.

1 comment:

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Love squirrels :)

Glad you had a good easter weekend

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