Friday, 25 June 2010

Fortnight Round-up in Pics

Well it's been two weeks of having the baby brother here on a visit and lots of football. Instead of boring you all with the details, here's a little photographic summary of how the last couple of weeks have gone down...

Arrival of little brother
...and he brought me some Jaffa Cakes

...this gorgeous little Paddington Bear

...and a Scotland football jersey (because my family is Scottish)

Monday at the Game

Had tickets to the Italy vs Paraguay game

The weather was nasty but the Green Point Fan Walk was fantastic!

Finally got to the stadium - the vibe was insane!

The game came and went, ending in a draw. I was supporting Italy who scored their goal while I was in the ladies! Timing is everything...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. No really. Besides, they're fun!

 24 Hours later

I very cleverly managed to lock myself out of the house at one in the morning. Two hours, four policemen and one locksmith later, I finally got back inside! Grrrrrr...

Friday's Game - England vs Algeria
This was the game we'd all been waiting for!

The English supporters were out in their droves.

I had mixed alliances, wearing my Scotland jersey while supporting England.

Truth be told, I was really just there to see David Beckham!

Here's a pic of some of the world's best footballers.

And then the Algerians sent over some very fit subs
to distract me from the game!

After the game (which didn't produce ANY goals) we hit the fan walk once again, heading towards our bus at the Civic Centre. We could've taken a bus from the stadium but the vibe was too good to miss out on.

Look at the pretty lights...

Finally, here is a pic I took on the way to the Waterfront where I watched South Africa play against (and BEAT) France.
The Wheel of Excellence is at the entrance of the Waterfront.
(Please excuse the murkiness of the pic - my car windows need a wash!)

 And that's that!

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