Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Let's hear it for the wrinklies!

Remember this guy? That's Jan Michael Vincent. But you may remember him as Stringfellow Hawke from Airwolf...
Well it's his birthday today and guess how old the birthday boy is...

He's turning 65. Yes, 65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, how did that happen? Wait, it gets worse! Remember Face from the A-Team? Damn, he was hot!
I used to have a MAJOR crush on him when I was a kid! Good times!
Well he's 64!!! 'But wait! There's more!'

Et tu, MacGuyver?

He's 59 years old. Nooooooooo... say it ain't so!
Seriously, when did all these guys get old? What's going on here?!?!?

1 comment:

featherstone said...

I used to have aserious crush on Jan Michael Vincent! He was gorgeous.

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