Me, that's who.

Yup, five hours in to my first day back at the office and let me tell you, I'm taking strain. No more morning visits to the beach followed by a late breakfast, no more long leisurely wine-flavoured lunches, no more Dr Phil and Oprah, no more lazing in my garden with a book. Oh, how sad.
It wasn't particularly easy to haul my butt out of bed this morning. Coincidentally, or perhaps not so much, my butt is showing the after-effects of all that festive munching and drinking and so today not only marks my first day back in the (gag) office but also my first day back at gym. At least, that's the intention.
To be honest though, I'm actually feeling quite optimistic about the new year and all the goals I want to achieve by next December. Some certainly seem more doable than others but I'm feeling psyched, so watch this space! So in spite of feeling the effect of those 'back in the office blues' I'm sure they will pass. And starting back on a Tuesday means a shorter week. Woohoo.
I had a pretty cool holiday too. 'Went to an awesome 'Dusk Till Dawn' New Years Eve party. Other than that, spent time with friends and family. Even went horse riding on Noordhoek beach on Friday. That was great but it left me walking like a cowboy for the next couple of days. Anyway, more on the holiday stuff later. For now, Happy New Year everyone. I hope it's a goodie for both you and me! :)
2009 a year where things will happen, or at least we tell ourselves that each and every new years eve (of course not about 2009 but the particular year to follow).
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. :)
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