So about four weeks ago, something big happened. I went into what I assumed was a bog-standard company communication session and walked out 15 minutes later with a piece of paper that held bad news. The company was undergoing its second restructuring exercise this year and this time around I wasn't so lucky. I'd been retrenched.
It's been a bumpy ride since then. Like most people in the office who had also been affected by the restructuring, I had no desire to stick around and so I immediately set about signing papers and wrapping things up. And now I'm at home. Trying to keep some semblance of a routine while saving money, hunting for a job and staying motivated.
It's by no means the ideal situation but I'm trying hard to stay positive. I expect the next few months will be quite rough but I reckon this time next year I'll be in a much better 'space'. (With any luck, I won't have to take up pole dancing, unless the Dr Phil and Oprah reruns turn my brain to complete mush and then let's be honest, anything goes.)
Being retrenched has also given me the (not so gentle) push I needed. I now have time to focus on my writing and put plans into place - something I should have focused on a long time ago.
But better late than never, right? Yeah.