Thursday, 24 December 2009
'Twas the night before Christmas...
...when all through the house
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Here are some pics I took at Big Bay last weekend. The wind was HOWLING
which made walking on the beach less than ideal. But the wind surfers
and kite surfers were in their element.
These were taken around 7 in the evening, which is a gorgeous time of day, especially in the heart of Cape Town's summer...
How's this pic below? I was focusing on the kite surfer in the foreground
so at first I didn't notice the guy in the background, suspended mid-air!
These dogs aren't mine but I kinda wish they were!
This cat was hanging around the parking at the beach,
leaving its paw prints on the vistors' cars
Big Bay,
kite surfers,
pet photography,
wind surfers
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Tweet this
Last weekend I abandoned my kitty and home to house-sit for friends in Table View. A swimming pool and DSTV sweetened the deal so I was there like a bear to make sure the pets were all taken care of. Of course, with two dogs and three cats in the mix, a little animal drama is to be expected and sure enough one of the cats brought home a baby bird on the first night I was there.
Luckily the kitty got so carried away with happiness at his treasure find that I was immediately alerted to the situation, enabling me to snatch the baby birdie from certain death via torture before consumption. I reckon the bird was blown out of his nest by the hectic wind, as he didn't have a scratch on him. But you know how it is... these guys are super sensitive and traumatised birds rarely survive though they take forever to head towards the light and the Big Nest in the Sky waiting beyond.
This guy was tiny!!! Not sure what type of bird he was, but he seemed to be quite greenish. Straight away, I bundled him into a little tupperware dish where he sat trembling and teetering On The Edge, so to speak. Throughout the night I kept checking on him, hoping that he had passed away peacefully and without too much drama. But the little guy hung in there. I couldn't believe my eyes the next morning when I opened the lid of his container and he stuck his head out, beak wide open, noisily demanding breakfast! I tried feeding him some bread soaked in water, but I had no idea if I was feeding him the right stuff or right amount. Plus, the noisy little guy had piqued the other animals' attention, which made it even harder to feed him. So I decided to seek 'professional help' and took the bird over to SANCOB.
They're also based in Table View and even though they deal more with the rehabilitation of coastal birds, they were lovely and accommodating. SANCOB was happy to take the bird and feed him a proper breakfast before passing him on to experts. Who knew?!?! So next time you have a bird emergency, don't forget that SANCOB can help you out. They ask for a really tiny donation in exchange, but it's worth it considering the amazing work they do. They're really an awesome bunch - just ask all those rescued penguins!
Friday, 18 December 2009
Sizeable breezes
So I spent yesterday in Langebaan, a quietish little town about 120km out of Cape Town, up the West Coast. The road to Langebaan is long and pretty much runs parallel to the coast, and in true West Coast style, the landscape is covered in rugged fynbos. On the way to Langebaan, it's hard not to notice the four enormous wind turbines that dominate the hillside just outside Darling and so, with time on our hands, a visit to the white monstrosities was in order. It was definitely worth it.
The dirt road leading to the wind turbines is guarded by a locked gate, but thankfully the wind farm care-taker was only too happy to let us in.
The wind turbines look huge from the West Coast road so you can imagine how incredibly massive they really are up close. Each of the four wind turbines stand at 50 metres, towering above like something out of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. And the sound the turbines make is nothing short of eerie. But cool, very cool.
What impressed me about the wind farm, other than the sheer size of the turbines, was the incredible alternative to conventional energy generation they afforded. According to the care-taker, one wind turbine has the capacity to power a small town. At the moment, the wind farm is home to only four turbines but you can imagine the limitless potential many more would have. (California's San Gorgonio Pass wind farm boasts over 3 200 wind turbines!!!) It's an incredibly environmentally friendly alternative, although the initial cost is quite hectic. Apparently the four turbines cost around 84 million rand to set up!
Seems the four turbines are part of an experimental project to determine if wind-power really is a viable option. The power generated by the turbines is already being trickled into the main power grid. I'm not sure how long they need to think it over, but considering the mess the planet is in and the dire need to reduce climate change, there's no time to lose.
So next time you're in the area why not pay the wind turbines a visit? It's really interesting for kids and grown-ups alike. And remember, don't be put off by the locked gate - it is open to the public. I think they're just keeping the place safe from vandalism by asking visitors to sign in. I think there may also be wild animals in the area, so perhaps the gate is there to keep them in. Or out. Or whatever.
climate change,
wind farm,
wind turbines
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
C'mon guys, seal that deal
Copenhagen Climate Change Summit
Wang, China
6th - 18th 2009
Cai Shi Wei, China
climate change,
Seal the Deal
Friday, 11 December 2009
Ho ho ho and all that
'Decided to embrace the impending Christmas season by putting up my Christmas tree.
Must say, I love my tree. It's gold and glitzy - a tad kitschy - and gorgeous. It's also a fairly minimalist tree, which means NO decorations, so putting up the tree is a cinch. It's the lights, however, that complicate things. And when I finally switched the lights on, I discovered that the pack of 50 clear Christmas lights that I bought on sale in February are of the flashing ilk. I personally don't like flashing lights but can't for the life of me figure out how to make them stop. But 'tis the season and all that, so I'll risk the seizure.
Stalker view
The gold blur in the background is said Christmas tree
Christmas tree
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Good vibes
Things have been a little heavy for a while now (unemployment is such a buzz kill) so I reckon it's time to lighten things up. Here's a post about everything and nothing. No negativity here!
So my dad recently upgraded to a new camera. This was great news for me as he gave me his 'old' camera. For many moons now I've been perving over digital SLRs and I'm pleased to announce I finally GOT ME ONE!!!! I'm really chuffed. It's a Canon EOS 300D and I'm so in love with it. I foresee a long and happy future with my beautiful new toy. I've been playing around with it a bit - here are a few of my favourite pics:
Jeep at Eaglevlei Wine Farm
Cue cliched cat pic
Ducks in a row, at Groot Constanta
Different angle of Groot Constantia quacks
A random kid and his dog
My friend Karen,
whose birthday we were celebrating at Groot Constantia
I love the control it offers the user. Compact cameras are a lot like Microsoft - they assume you don't know what you're doing and try to do everything for you. I hate that. But not my little baby. No. That's not to say my little Sony compact camera is to be kicked to the curb, but SLR is obviously first prize!
Anyway, been keeping an eye on all this Fifa World Cup stuff and I must say, I am very willingly letting myself be swept up in the momentum of excitement. Last Friday was a glorious day for Cape Town when it hosted the Fifa WC draw. I was so proud of the Mother City! The vibe was fantastic! (Not so sure about Ms Theron's outfit though. Just saying.)
The weekend started on an exuberant high note and ended equally wonderfully at The Killers concert. God, I love those guys! Brilliant show! Val de Vie Wine and Polo Estate was a stunning setting for the concert but turned out to be a less than ideal venue logistically. One access point to and from the wine farm?!?!? Traffic was a nightmare - some people sat in their car for up to four hours waiting to get out. Insane! But yes, The Killers. Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I snuck my little compact camera in (see, it still has its uses) but once it got dark it took rubbish pictures. So here are some of my photies plus a couple I pinched from News24 (Thanks News24, please don't sue me.)
Beautiful clouds littering the sky above Val de Vie
Before the concert
Love those pink dusk skies (random dude unknown)
And now here are those News24 photies I mentioned...
This photographer had a MUCH better view than I did
Brandon Flowers for President
Anyway,on that note I'll wrap up now. Off to write my letter to Santa before it's too late!
P.S. Have you added your name to the Seal the Deal campaign? Check it out and make a difference at Copenhagen. More info here too. Oh, and here as well!
Canon EOS 300D,
climate change,
Seal the Deal,
The Killers,
Val de Vie
Thursday, 5 November 2009
The story thus far...
So about four weeks ago, something big happened. I went into what I assumed was a bog-standard company communication session and walked out 15 minutes later with a piece of paper that held bad news. The company was undergoing its second restructuring exercise this year and this time around I wasn't so lucky. I'd been retrenched.
It's been a bumpy ride since then. Like most people in the office who had also been affected by the restructuring, I had no desire to stick around and so I immediately set about signing papers and wrapping things up. And now I'm at home. Trying to keep some semblance of a routine while saving money, hunting for a job and staying motivated.
It's by no means the ideal situation but I'm trying hard to stay positive. I expect the next few months will be quite rough but I reckon this time next year I'll be in a much better 'space'. (With any luck, I won't have to take up pole dancing, unless the Dr Phil and Oprah reruns turn my brain to complete mush and then let's be honest, anything goes.)
Being retrenched has also given me the (not so gentle) push I needed. I now have time to focus on my writing and put plans into place - something I should have focused on a long time ago.
But better late than never, right? Yeah.

Thursday, 15 October 2009
Climate Change: Blog Action Day 2009
Okay so listen up. Being October the 15th, it's Blog Action Day. And this year the topic is one that affects you and me. It's CLIMATE CHANGE!
Yeah, that's right. Climate change is something that has a direct impact on all of us and, if you choose to breed, it'll affect the lives of your sprogs and their sprogs and so on. It's surprisingly easy to ignore the facts and leave the responsibility of change to big corporations and powerful governments. But who're you kidding? You know that change starts with each and every one of us, and that only by working together will we be able to make a sustainable difference.
Come on guys, learn to recycle, preserve water and cut down on your carbon footprint. And if that seems like more bother than it's worth, think of majestic polar bears who, unable to find solid ice to rest on, meet their demise at the depths of the ocean. Polar bears shouldn't die by drowning, and yet they are.
Because of us.
Yeah, that's right. Climate change is something that has a direct impact on all of us and, if you choose to breed, it'll affect the lives of your sprogs and their sprogs and so on. It's surprisingly easy to ignore the facts and leave the responsibility of change to big corporations and powerful governments. But who're you kidding? You know that change starts with each and every one of us, and that only by working together will we be able to make a sustainable difference.
Come on guys, learn to recycle, preserve water and cut down on your carbon footprint. And if that seems like more bother than it's worth, think of majestic polar bears who, unable to find solid ice to rest on, meet their demise at the depths of the ocean. Polar bears shouldn't die by drowning, and yet they are.
Because of us.
Blog action day,
climate change
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Where oh where has my little muse gone?
So today marks the two-month anniversary since the last time I posted. An unintentional yet self-imposed sabbatical that was meant to be ended by the unveiling of a fantastic new blog name. Thing is, I can't for the life of me decide on a blog name that isn't naff/inane/pointless/unsuitable/used. Keeping in mind that I am paid MONEY to work as a copywriter this failing to find a new name is particularly crushing as surely wordsmiths are supposed to find this sort of thing, well, easier. But no, not me. I'm beginning to suspect my worst fears are true and that I'm a truly awful copywriter with no business going near words of any sort. There's just one problem: I wouldn't know how to do anything else. And truth be told, I quite like this writing gig. But for some reason, I have a humongous blog name block. It's got me quite perplexed.
I haven't given up though - my quest continues. The perfect blog name (for me) must be out there somewhere - it's just a matter of finding it. I think it's close - I can almost feel it. Just can't 'see' it. Yet. So for now, I'm sticking with Fluffy Pink Thing. (Groan)
So yeah, consider the drought broken. I'm back. And any day now I'm going to surprise my one reader (yes, you) with a brand new fabulous looking extremely made-over blog. Just not today.
P.S. I missed you. Hope you're keeping well...

I haven't given up though - my quest continues. The perfect blog name (for me) must be out there somewhere - it's just a matter of finding it. I think it's close - I can almost feel it. Just can't 'see' it. Yet. So for now, I'm sticking with Fluffy Pink Thing. (Groan)
So yeah, consider the drought broken. I'm back. And any day now I'm going to surprise my one reader (yes, you) with a brand new fabulous looking extremely made-over blog. Just not today.
P.S. I missed you. Hope you're keeping well...

Wednesday, 22 July 2009
'Last night I had the strangest dream'
...And NOT about sailing boats to China. No sir. This one was about being PREGNANT and then having a (gulp) BABY!!! Where'd that come from?!? Funny thing was, I was quite pleased with myself (in my dream) and seemed to have no worries about having just given birth. Or being a single mother. Or having no idea what to do with my screaming bundle of joy.
It's a boy, by the way. In case you were wondering.
I'm sorry to say there was no Gerhard Butler look-alike daddy in the picture - or any recollection of the 'knocking-up' process. Which means my little bambino could very well be the result of divine intervention. Or the downfall of a boozy evening out. Whatever.
Anyway, I just thought it was strange to dream about having a baby because I'm not feeling particularly broody at the moment. 'Haven't in a while actually. In fact, right now if I had a choice, I'd definitely get a puppy rather than have a baby. That's just where I'm at, for now.

It's a boy, by the way. In case you were wondering.
I'm sorry to say there was no Gerhard Butler look-alike daddy in the picture - or any recollection of the 'knocking-up' process. Which means my little bambino could very well be the result of divine intervention. Or the downfall of a boozy evening out. Whatever.
Anyway, I just thought it was strange to dream about having a baby because I'm not feeling particularly broody at the moment. 'Haven't in a while actually. In fact, right now if I had a choice, I'd definitely get a puppy rather than have a baby. That's just where I'm at, for now.
'See? Baby elephants are CUTE!
Baby meerkats (pups) are also cute!

Even baby Binturongs (Asian Bearcats) are totally cute!
Pics from News24, thanks!Cute puppy!
Gerard Butler
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Objects of my affection
So yesterday's little revelation got me thinking about the crushes I had on celebs when I was a little girl. Some of those crushes were short lived, while others never really ended. Anyway, here's a little list of my favourite objects of affection, back in the day:
The King of Rock 'n Roll.
The King of Rock 'n Roll.

Moving on... First there was Battlestar Galactica. And then there was the A-Team. And both were AWESOME thanks to Lieutenant Starbuck and Face.

Then, a few years on, the New Kids on the Block came into my life and it was love at first sight. Yes, I'm talking about you, Joey McIntyre! (Hey don't judge - they were cool back in the day!)

Yup, it was love with a capital L-U-R-V-E! Step by Step, Hanging Tough, Tonite... aw, good times! I remember spending hours in my bedroom just staring at the NKOTB posters on my wall, daydreaming about marrying Joey one day when I as older. You see, there was a 'major' age-gap between us. I was only 12ish whereas he was a whopping 17!!! But sooooo... cute! Aw yummy!
Joey McIntyre,
Lt Starbuck,
Let's hear it for the wrinklies!
Remember this guy?
That's Jan Michael Vincent. But you may remember him as Stringfellow Hawke from Airwolf...

Well it's his birthday today and guess how old the birthday boy is...
He's turning 65. Yes, 65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well he's 64!!! 'But wait! There's more!'
Et tu, MacGuyver?
Seriously, when did all these guys get old? What's going on here?!?!?

He's turning 65. Yes, 65!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, how did that happen? Wait, it gets worse! Remember Face from the A-Team? Damn, he was hot!Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used to have a MAJOR crush on him when I was a kid! Good times!

He's 59 years old. Nooooooooo... say it ain't so!
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